In 1950s or 60s Israelis told that Jaffna will become a desert if we draw too much of well water for agriculture. Regular and periodical testing of water quality and depth of water table only can prove this.The solution is to follow the footsteps of Israel by adopting “drip irrigation” and “green house farming”. Instead of flooding the base of crops we should lay plastic pipes to each plant(vegetables) and allow little water to go to the root not to the surroundings. The green house(enclosure)will prevent evaporation of water and drying of leaves/stems due to sun’s rays.
For cleaning/bathing we can use harvested rain water. Water from bathroom can be fed to vegetable,fruit and flower plants in home.
At the mouth where rainwater from Dutch built canal flows in to the sea,we should build a reservoir to store rainwater which can be used for cleaning(after settling/filtering) as well for breeding fresh water fish for consumption.